Photo by René DeAnda at


On July 28, 2021, the White House issued its “National Security Memorandum on Improving Cybersecurity for Critical Infrastructure Control Systems” which creates the Industrial Control Systems Cybersecurity Initiative and directs the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary to issue cybersecurity goals for control systems across the nation’s critical infrastructures.

The Industrial Control Systems Cybersecurity Initiative, a voluntary and collaborative effort between the federal government and the critical infrastructure community, is intended to improve cybersecurity of industrial control systems through encouraging and facilitating deployment of technologies and systems for cybersecurity in essential control system and operational technology networks.  Additionally, the initiative will build on existing cybersecurity efforts in critical infrastructure sectors that respond to cyber threats in order to safeguard these critical control systems.

The memorandum directs the DHS Secretary, in coordination with the Secretary of Commerce, to develop and issue cybersecurity performance goals for critical infrastructures.  Preliminary goals for control systems across critical infrastructure sectors must be issued by September 22, 2021, with final goals issued within one year of the date of the memorandum.  Additionally, the DHS Secretary must issue sector-specific infrastructure cybersecurity performance goals within one year of the date of the memorandum.  Lastly, the memorandum states that the goals initiative may also include an examination of whether additional legal authorities would be beneficial to enhancing the cybersecurity of critical infrastructure.

The White House National Security Memorandum is available here.

For more information, or to obtain assistance in understanding how the White House memorandum could impact your organization, please contact Kristen Connolly McCullough, Barry Lawson, or Ellen Hill.