Firm Announcements


On November 5, 2021, Lauren Perkins presented on the role of hydroelectric projects in mitigating reliability challenges facing the electricity sector at the annual Lesley K. McAllister Symposium on Climate and Energy Law, hosted by the University of San Diego School of Law.  Ms. Perkins participated in the November 5th panel on whether our energy systems are prepared for increasingly common extreme weather events, including heat waves, wildfires, and floods.  Hydropower can contribute to the reliability of a diverse resource mix by providing needed flexibility on a day-to-day, as well as in response to system emergencies such as the West-wide August 2020 heat wave.

More information regarding the Symposium, held in two parts on November 5 and 12, 2021, is available here on the University of San Diego webpage.

If you have any questions, please contact Lauren Perkins.