
Duncan, Weinberg, Genzer and Pembroke, P.C., maintains an active government relations practice covering public policy, political law and ethics. DWGP provides advice and representation to individuals, municipal and other governmental entities including states, trade association, corporate and nonprofit clients on a range of federal policy matters. The Firm closely monitors federal legislation and rulemakings to provide in depth analyses of potential impacts on our clients. The Firm's comprehensive understanding of the administration and Congress, and in particular the key participants in the energy and environmental arenas, allows us to provide important strategic advice to clients regarding pending legislation and regulatory rulemakings.

Duncan, Weinberg, Genzer & Pembroke's practitioners are commonly called upon by clients, as well as policymakers, for their expertise in energy and utility policy and law matters. DWGP often represent clients before Congress, the administration, federal agencies and industry associations. The Firm provides analysis on energy and environmental regulatory issues to clients, particularly before the U.S. Departments of Energy and Interior, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, other federal agencies and various state utility regulatory commissions. Key areas of policy research and support include issues surrounding sustainability, renewable energy, climate change, energy efficiency, air and water quality, new generation and transmission of electricity, ratemaking policies and federal and state procurement. Additionally, drawing on the Firm's decades of experience in energy and environment matters, DWGP provides strategic advice in areas where business initiatives intersect with energy, environment and utility policies. DWGP offers strategic advice to clients in project development, acquisitions and joint ventures, federal grants and procurement, and public relations.

As part of our political law and government ethics practice DWGP attorneys advises clients on the complex legal and regulatory framework surrounding the influence of public policy and other political activity. The Firm routinely advises and assists clients in complying with the laws and regulations governing federal lobbying, including compliance with periodic reporting requirements under the Honest Leadership and Open Government Act ("HOLGA"). DWGP provides guidance to steer clients clear of pitfalls related to campaign finance law and gifts and travel rules for elected officials. The Firm also assists clients with the selection of form, establishment and administration of political action committees ("PACs").