DWGP Attorneys Speak at TenneSEIA’s 2024 Tennessee Valley Solar + Storage Conference
At the TenneSEIA annual conference, DWGP attorneys Sylwia Dakowicz and Gelane Diamond spoke on separate panels. Gelane spoke on the elective pay panel and discussed the process for making an elective payment election, compliance issues for meeting the tax credit bonuses, and the future of the Inflation Reduction Act under a new Congress and Administration in 2025. Sylwia discussed Order No. 2023 interconnection process reform implementation strategies, addressing key takeaways from markets across the US. TenneSEIA’s annual conference brought 600 people to Huntsville, Alabama to get the latest insights on the development of solar and storage across the TVA seven-state territory. DWGP was a proud sponsor of the event and Keith Gordon, shareholder with DWGP, serves on the board for TenneSEIA as well as their General Counsel.