
Duncan, Weinberg, Genzer & Pembroke has traditionally represented many of its utility and municipal clients in environmental matters. DWGP's broad experience in environmental issues enables it to provide clients with a full range of environmental services, from litigation of environmental matters to the development of long-term compliance strategies.

The environmental practice group's experience includes counseling regarding environmental compliance, acquisition of state and federal permits, negotiation of consent orders, representation of clients before Congress, state and federal agencies, and environmental litigation before administrative agencies and the courts.

Duncan, Weinberg, Genzer & Pembroke's environmental services include:

Duncan, Weinberg, Genzer & Pembroke's attorneys have familiarity not only with the substantive environmental issues faced by utilities and municipalities, but also with the unique public relations and political challenges that public entities face. The Firm draws on the experience of several attorneys with significant background in this area for responding to each client's needs.

Relevant Experience