
Duncan, Weinberg, Genzer & Pembroke represents locally-owned community choice aggregators that provide clean renewable energy to retail customers over incumbent utility transmission and distribution facilities. DWGP has been helping communities and municipalities purchase and develop power generation and distribution facilities since the Firm’s founding. DWGP attorneys have helped communities carve out franchises from incumbent utilities, aggregate load, and organize into local power districts and joint action agencies. Our attorneys have experience with community choice aggregation, including federal and ISO/RTO monitoring, and advice on federal jurisdictional issues. Our attorneys also advise clients on regulations relating to electric retail delivery and in negotiations with electricity suppliers. Our attorneys have extensive experience working with communities to form local energy agencies that can purchase electricity from multiple sources other than the incumbent utility. Our community choice clients leverage the Firm’s experience serving locally-owned power providers, including our experience with renewable energy credit agreements, transmission and interconnection arrangements, and power supply acquisition and project development.

DWGP's services to community choice aggregators include the following:

DWGP is a Partner Member of the California Community Choice Association.